
Day 49 - Ninja Assassin

Its day 49 and I watched Ninja Assassin. Ninja Assassin is about ninja assassins. There's these ninja assassins who are trained from very early childhood to be all they can be and be super killers. Our hero, who is named Raizo, was an orphan and the twinkle in the leader's eye and he seems to be the best out of everyone else. He's got a little love interest in there. That's all told in flashbacks and in present time there's some big conspiracy going on with the ninja mob and all kinds of stuff. It's all just a vessel for the action. Which is bloody. Bloody bloodly mcbloody. It's like Ninja Gaiden 2: The Movie. Blood. There's limps flying all over the place, slo-mo glory shots of limbs getting cut off, blood splattering. More Blood. At first its great, blood. But it seems like the first action shots you see are just as intense as the latter ones. BLOOOOOOOOD. The result is that I kind of started getting bored. The action is just as intense, only they maybe start adding a couple more people to the fights. I think they could have shortened it up a bit as well, the story segments seem to drag at parts. This is an action movie, watch it for the BLOOD.

This gets 3 limbs out of 5

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