
Day 30 - Full Metal Jacket

Day triple-ten and I decided on Full Metal Jacket. Full Metal Jacket is a movie based around the Vietnam War and a few saps caught in the thick of it. The first half of the movie features R. Lee Emery yelling at new recruits. We see all the pressure recruits go through during basic training and one of them gets driven off the edge. Once they're done with all that fun they get shipped out to Vietnam. The movie seems to center around the Joker character but I wouldn't call him the star of the movie. Instead, everyone involved paints a sad picture of the war. Some people just like killing people. One guy is bragging about how many kills he has and doesn't seem to flinch once he has to admit some are women and children; he even jokes around about it. There's other things in the movie that send off the same dismal feelings. A pretty good war movie, just don't go in expecting an action movie.

My favorite parts were any time a recruit was getting yelled at by Mr. Emery.

I'm gonna give this 4 jelly donuts out of 5.

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