
Day 48 - New Moon

Day 48 and I had to watch New Moon due to certain love interests. New Moon is the 2nd in a series of supernatural teenager romance novels and now movies. I'm sure there's no one that will read this that hasn't heard of Twilight and already has an opinion on it. Edward is a sulky too-cool-for-school Richard Simmons sparkly vampire, Bella is some aloof teenage completely enamored with Edward and Jacob is a ripped. I really find Edward annoying and thankfully and mercifully he is not in this movie a whole lot. Instead Jacob takes his place as a major love interest for Bella, and he's a little more charismatic to humans and not so catered to robots as Edward is. As a result this is a lot more enjoyable than Twilight, to me at least. There are some cool shots in this movie, particularly the one with Bella waiting in the window as the seasons pass. The special effects are well done and there seems to be attention paid to subtlety. I can't believe I'm saying this but I somewhat enjoyed this movie. I'm leaving.

Sadly I'm giving this movie 3.5 muffins out of 5.

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