
Day 33 - Shutter Island

Day 33 and I took a trip to the theater to see Shutter Island. Shutter Island is about a cop that goes to an island that also houses a mental institution to investigate a missing patient. Well things quickly appear to be amiss and right at the beginning, within the first 5 minutes we come to my major gripe of the movie. The music. The music is just way overpowering and overdone at some parts its almost laughable. They're driving up to the gate of the facility, going through the checkpoint and the music is going nuts. We haven't even got the chance to build up the kind of tension that would call for music like that yet! There's another part later on when the music was a little much but it doesn't happen often. In fact I can only remember twice that I thought the music guy needs some attention or something. Other than that this movie is a twisty rollercoaster and its a fairly fun ride. I guess you could say that it may drag on at parts but I didn't really think so. I do have to say that after watching this and having seen The Departed that Leonardo DiCaprio plays a good stressed to the max guy.

I gotta give this 4.2 rule of fours out of 5

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