
Day 6 - Accepted


Today is day 6 and today I watched Accepted. Accepted is about a guy who just can't get into a college because he can't apply himself to his studies! Instead he squanders his intelligence making fake IDs. Pressure from his parents and a desire to please his dad push this fellow into using his knowledge in forgery and applying it to acceptance letters. So he fools his parents into thinking he's going, and then he's really got to sell it and he goes the whole nine. He leases a building, has a friend make up a website and what have you. He fools his parents but accidentally fools a whole bunch of other people in the process and now he has a whole student body to deal with. 

I actually quite enjoyed the movie, it's got it's funny parts. Yeah, it's a college comedy but it's not all BEERZ AND WEED N SHIT FUNNY MOVIE stuff, which is good because otherwise it wouldn't have been as good as it was. It wasn't great, don't get me wrong, but it's not a movie anyone should go out of their way to avoid, either. Plus some uptight people get their shit ruined, which is always nice.

This gets 3 shrimp slushies out of 5.

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