
Day 27 - The V Word


Day 27 and tonight I watched The V Word. I'll be honest I picked this movie because it was way short and I'm short on time today due to work and an awesome college hockey game I went to. The V Word is about a couple of teenagers who apparently like to play video games. They decide to go see an actual real dead person who was a friend of theirs. Well things go wrong and they stumble across a vampire who turns them. The vampire is played by Micheal Ironside and that's probably the biggest plus of the movie. The gore is ok as well I suppose. The characters, however, are cardboard. Nothings really well acted and there's not really any suspense or horror to speak of unless maybe you're 11. Just a dumb, cheap horror movie made for tv.

This gets 1 little girl middle finger out of 5

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