
Day 24 - Punisher War Zone


Day 24 here, reporting a viewing of Punisher War Zone. In this heartfelt narrative a man by the name of Frank Castle searches for answers and redemption after accidentally taking the life of an undercover FBI agent. That's all just a vessel for Frank to punch, shoot, kick, stab, throw and slice the bad guys. The action in this movie is pretty brutal and is really the only reason to watch this movie. I mean, how many times have you seen someone punch through a guy's head? Not many. I could probably count that on one hand. It's based on a comic book, but I wouldn't say it's one of the better movies. There's not a whole lot of story to really grab a hold of. That's ok though, sometimes you just want to sit back and grab some beef jerky, turn off your brain and watch people get their own asses handed to them. This is just a slightly above par action movie.

Favorite scene would probably be when he crashes the party right at the beginning.

This gets 3.5 Krispy Kreme motherfuckers out of 5

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