
Movie 9 - The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Movie 9 was The Rocky Horror Picture Show. This movie is pretty well known for being kind of sexual. You'll spot Meatloaf and Susan Sarandon, and it also stars Tim Curry as a transsexual. This is also a musical with pretty decent music I suppose. Other than that though, I have no idea what the hell was going on throughout most of the hour and thirty minutes I was watching. There's people getting turned to stone, turned back alive, dancing, dressing odd, dancing some more, walking through a castle, creating a man, eating, and some weird plot with aliens towards the end. Really its all just eye candy for the singing I suppose. I guess you could argue that this movie is about sexuality . . . or something, but I think that would be a stretch. What can I write about a movie that wasn't about anything?! That's not to say it wasn't entertaining most of the time. Decent music but just buy the soundtrack as far as I'm concerned. What just happened?!

2.1 pitchfork lasers out of 5

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