
Movie 23 - The Fighter

For movie 23 I took a trip to the theater to see The Fighter. The Fighter is a movie based on true events about boxing and in a lot of ways it is similar to Rocky. This movie stars Mark Wahlberg as Mickey who is an up and coming boxer and younger brother of Dickey played by Christian Bale. Dickey was once a big shot boxer himself but these days he's mixed up in crack and thinks he's on his way back up to the top. Christian Bale does a PHENOMENAL job in his role. During the credits they play a little segment featuring the actual people and the actual Dickey and his mannerisms and way of speech are spot on. Mark does a good job too but I really felt that Mr Bale steals the show, even if his character throws every kind of monkey wrench into the plans of his younger brother. Mickey's whole family has problems, he seems like the only one with his head on straight other than his dad or step-dad, I forget what he actually is. His mom favors Dickey way more than poor Mickey and they both seem to be milking him just for the money he gets for fighting. This was such an outstanding movie, a Rocky for a new generation, except the actual boxing segments are better done. The title of The Fighter applys to more than one area, Mickey fights in the ring, fights for and against his family, fights for his own happiness, fights for his girlfriend and fights to overcome such a shitty situation around him. A great movie, don't miss it.

5 cakes out of 5

Lizz says, "It was really really good and it gave me goosebumps at the end."

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