
Movie 7 - Miller's Crossing

Movie 7 was Miller's Crossing. Miller's Crossing takes place in the 50's sometime and centers around one guy and how he plays his angles. Gabriel Byrne plays that man. You may recognize him Satan himself in End of Days. At first he just seems to be a sort of advice giver to the leader of an organized crime syndicate, but as the film progresses you start to get the feeling that he was pulling all the strings in the background. The guy is an excellent string puller, as soon as one angle is worked he's working another, all to either save his ass or achieve some goal he's working on. Things get out of hand as one of the mob's higher ups decides to cut himself a piece of the pie. Through in the mob boss's girlfriend and her brother who everyone seems to want dead and bookie that needs his money and you've got a knot of strings that all need pulling. The film pulls along and it's steady burn it's got going but I felt it never really let the shit hit the fan. The main character seems like he knows exactly what's happening outside of maybe two scenes. That's part of what I enjoy most about a lot of Coen Bros films, the part where everything seems to fall out from under everyone. Although it doesn't happen in this one you shouldn't worry because there are enough turns to keep your attention throughout. It will kept my attention but it never really pulled me to the edge of my seat.

3.8 high hats out of 5

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