
Movie 15 - Inception

Movie 15 and I watched Inception. Inception may be a difficult movie to wrap your head around in my short little reviews so just bear with me. Inception takes place in a world where you can dream with people. I'm not talking like you fall asleep next to each other and you have your own dreams individually. You can actually all jack into some sort of machine and tag along in another persons dream world. More than one can go in to that dreamland together. The idea is that you can either discover people's secrets or plant a thought into someone's head by doing that. I think that's as far as I'm going to go into describing that, there is more to it but you can find that out when you watch it and you should. Leonardo DiCaprio leads a fairly star studded cast in this film such as Juno girl and Micheal Caine and even the emperor guy from The Last Samurai, among others. There are definitely a lot of little tricks and neat things to catch and behold, you are in a dream world for over half of the movie after all! That lends itself to some neat action scenes especially the zero gravity one. How does that happen you may ask? Watch and find out! The story side of things is pretty good too. I think maybe they could have gone more in to the subconscious side of things because they do talk about it but it ends up being largely inconsequential. The film attempts to tell two stories at the same time and it does a good job I feel and it will keep you absorbed throughout; if you can keep up. If you have trouble following some movies you may not enjoy this one for much more than the cool physics and world bending effects. If you do fall in to that category watch it anyway.

4.5 loaded dice out of 5

Lizz says, "I like it but the ending pissed me off."

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