
Movie 25 - Black Swan

For movie 25 I payed to see Black Swan at the local cinema. Black Swan stars Natalie Portman as a ballerina who wants to be all that she can be and land a major role as the swan in the number "Swan Lake." She has a fixation on being perfect and it turns in to obsession. She has a mother who treats her like she's twelve and is overbearing and seems to be living vicariously through her daughter. Her mother was a ballerina too but had to give it up when she got pregnant. She's so fixated on being perfect that she ends up not being perfect for the role she really wants. Well, not all of it, the part of the swan requires her to play a technical side and a more passionate side. She's so in to being perfect that she can't let go for the passionate half. So that's the plot which didn't turn me off, the other parts of the movie did somewhat. The camera work is something that you will notice in the first five minutes of being pretty different than most movies this side of the straight-to-dvd river. They are uncomfortably close and dizzying. Maybe that statement was a little harsh but I think that it will turn a lot of people off to the movie. I'm sure it was intentional and done in order to make us as uncomfortable as the main character but it almost seems like too much to me. The special effects are sometimes a little overdone for this type of movie. I mean, yeah it illustrates her descent and what have you but I think it may have been a tad much. Things can also feel a little dramatic or theatrical due to the music sometimes. I'm sure that's on purpose too since it is a movie based around a performance but if you put all of those things together the movie can start to feel a little iffy. Great performances and definitely an interesting movie but I think some of the creative choices will detract from this movie in some way for a lot of people.

3.8 toenails out of 5

Lizz says, "I hated the camera shots in Black Swan and it wasn't as good as I expected."

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