
Movie 13 - Death of a Ghost Hunter

For movie 13 I had the distinct displeasure of watching Death of a Ghost Hunter. Death of a Ghost Hunter is about this lady who is right out of acting school staring in a movie with some people who couldn't afford acting school. The main character bumbles through her lines and narrates too fast while she struggles to pull off anything resembling a real emotion. Although according to the description this is actually a movie about a ghost hunter who meets a tragic end on one of her cases and is regarded as the most tragic event in ghost hunting history ever that ever occurred ever in the history of ever. Expect to see ghosts, bad ones, and hear innovative creepy things like backwards talk and sit on the edge of your seat to witness the very best in cheap camera tricks. Another solid aspect to this movie is the audio mastering. There was a couple of times where it seemed out of sync and throughout the movie the average volume fluctuates quite a bit so if you do decide to subject yourself to this travesty make sure you keep a finger on the volume. I find myself short on words. The mastery at work here by everyone involved makes it an absolute delight to watch. Not.

.6 chairs out of 5

Lizz says, "It was a shitty movie with crappy acting but it still creeped me out for some reason."

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