
Movie 16 - Bart Got a Room

Movie 16 and I watched Bart Got a Room. Bart Got a Room boils down to one kinda nerdy kid's quest to find a good prom date before it's too late. This movie's cast is filled up with mostly no0names, other than William H Macy who sports a thin 70's style afro. The plot is pretty thin, there's this girl the main guy has been friends with forever but they've only ever been friends and she's a tad on the ugo side. The movie kind of reminded me of Napoleon Dynamite. I'm not exactly sure what time this movie is supposed to happen in but people dress with a late 70's flair and have cell phones. There wasn't a whole lot to really chew on in this movie. Most of it wasn't very funny and the plot was just kind of barely there and had the feeling that you have sort of already seen this movie before. This really felt like it would be a good fit for a Comedy Central movie that airs on regular cable. I wouldn't recommend spending money on this.

2.4 bow ties out of 5

Lizz says, "It was really awkward."

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