
Day 87 - Hudson Hawk

Day 87 and I watched Hudson Hawk. Hudson Hawk stars Bruce Willis as a cat burglar who likes to sing old songs when he's on the job. He gets mixed up somehow with a group of weirdos who are stealing a bunch of old Da Vinci artifacts. The weirdo bad guy masterminds are a couple of the ugliest actors you'll ever see. I recognized the girl from other movies but I don't know her name. Some of the weirdos go by the names of candy bars. There's all kinds of little goofy touches in this movie and I liked it a lot. The Da Vinci code this is not, but that's ok. What you have here is almost a spoofish action movie. It definitely feels like an 80s movie and that's not a bad thing. The best part is a gurney chase down the highway. Writer's block tonight, sorry listeners.

3.7 crystal mirror pieces out of 5

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