
Day 86 - Homecoming

Day 86 and I watched Homecoming. Homecoming is about this football player star guy from a small town named Mike and he's back in his hometown for homecoming. He brings his girlfriend along for the trip. What he doesn't tell his current girlfriend, who is named Elizabeth is that he's got an ex in his hometown named Shelby. I'm gonna just say Shelby is a psycho and get that out of the way. Shelby thinks that she and Mike are still together and she doesn't take it well that he has a new girlfriend. In a nutshell, this movie is Misery for a newer generation. Some things don't click very well for me in this movie, the biggest of which is Shelby. Shelby weighs MAYBE 73 pounds. Shelby lives in a dump, we see her chopping wood. She can barely hold the ax, let alone swing it in a convincing way. There's other times where the movie asks her to be physical and she just can not sell it. In fact, any time either of the two girls need to be physical you can see it plain as day that they just don't have it in them. And no amount of editing can hide that fact. It takes me out of it a little bit. Other than that movies like this are incredibly frustrating to watch for me. Movies with someone who is whacked out of their mind. That's what movies like this are for and I guess it succeeded, I just wish maybe it had been cast differently instead of just having two attractive actresses play the parts.

2.5 awkward swings out of 5

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