
Day 77 - The Open Road

Day 77 and I watched The Open Road. The Open Road is about Justin Timberlake dragging Jeff Bridges back to Texas where Justin's mom and Jeff's ex-wife is about to have heart surgery. Jeff's character doesn't really seem to want to go but won't tell anyone and instead he tries to find a way out of going. There's also Justin's ex tagging along for company. This is supposed to be a comedy but I only thought one part was even a little funny and I don't think it was supposed to be. That part is when Justin has a little tantrum on their rented Hummers bumper. I don't even see where anyone would find enough funny about this movie to call it a comedy, or an "indie comedy" as the description I read put it. Call it false expectations but I didn't really like this movie. Jeff's character seems likable at first and on the outside but after you watch him for a while that kind of goes away. I just wanted to watch a comedy!

2 hummers out of 5

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