
Day 60 - A Serious Man

Day 60 and I watched A Serious Man. A Serious Man is about a jewish guy and his troubles with his family and work and his neighbor and everything in between. This is a Coen movie but it seems to be a little lacking to me. It may be because I'm not up to snuff on my jewish culture, and that seems to be who this is really aimed towards. I mean, parts of it are funny, but I kept thinking that jokes were flying over my non-kosher head. You can't help but feel bad for the main character though, he's going through a divorce, his job is in question, some kid is trying to bribe him, his kids seem to be oblivious to everything and keep whining about the television, his neighbor gives him a hard time, he's got a brother or brother-in-law living with him who seems to be a little unstable. He has a lot on his plate and he's looking for help from the church and he's not getting anything. The ending left me hanging as well. If you're jewish you'll probably take more away from this movie than I did.

This gets 2.4 equations out of 5.

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