
Day 85 - Prozac Nation

Day 85 and I watched Prozac Nation. Prozac Nation is about the trials and tribulations one woman faces when she goes to Harvard on a journalism degree. Christina Ricci plays this girl and she does quite a good job. I didn't really catch or remember who she was playing . . . Elizabeth "Lizzy" something or other. She comes from a broken home, her dad split and her mom pushes her to be extra successful and once she gets on her own in college she kind of spirals out of control with drugs and lands in depression. She goes from ok to bitch is less than 2 seconds. She doesn't mean to but she ends up pushing everyone away from her. Every time you think she's making a little progress she gets nasty with someone. The movie does a good job in getting you to sympathize with her. If this movie had been done a little differently it would be easy not to like Lizzy and then the whole movie wouldn't matter so much. As it is though it's a pretty decent look at a section of this lady's life and the effects depression can have.

3.8 scribbles out of 5

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