
Movie 90 - Iron Man 2

Movie 90 was Iron Man 2. I was pumped to see this ever since I heard they were making it. Iron Man 1 was pretty dang good and I was sure they could only go up from there.


Iron Man 2 seemed to meander along it's story. Once again we get a sequel that tries to tell more than one movie worth of story in one movie AHEMspiderman3ERHEM. Excuse me. There isn't a whole bunch of action in this movie. Most of the movie Tony Stark is being mopey and making an ass of himself. That part has to be shown, I suppose because that's a big part of the character. However, I feel like they spent too long on that part of it. Don Cheadle replaced the other guy, Terrance Howard(?) as. . . I forget the character's name, Tony's military buddy. They lay a lot of groundwork for The Avenger's movie, which is easy to get excited for, as long as they don't junk it up like this one.

3 elements out of 5

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