
Movie 92 - Get Him to the Greek

Movie 92 was Get Him to the Greek. This movie has Jonah Hill and Russel Brand in it and it's from the same universe as Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Also the same humorverse. You can probably tell if you're going to like this just from the previews, or if you've seen any other recent modern comedy from say. . .Judd Apatow. This is a pretty standard if not forgettable comedy in that vein. Puff Daddy also makes an appearance and people seem pretty divided on if they like him or not. I thought he was one of the better parts of the movie. Its also been a while since I've seen this movie, I'm pretty sure I'm caught up now on everything I watched in my lull time, so the reviews will probably be better. As you can see, this one didn't leave a huge impression on me.

2.8 fuzzy walls out of 5


Movie 91 - The Road

Movie 92 was The Road, and I watched it about a week ago and forgot I did. That shouldn't be taken that this is a bad movie, I just have a bad memory sometimes. The Road is another movie where we get to watch Viggo Mortensen walking around, only this time it's not for 10 hours. The poster I used says Guy Pearce is in the movie as well. I don't know why they gave him a listing right on the front of this, he's in the movie for all of 7 minutes, if that, plus it's near the end. There's also a kid in the movie that play's Viggo's son. This movie is set in a post-apocalyptic world where almost all life is gone. The plants are dead, the animals are mostly dead so that doesn't leave a lot of options for food. I'll leave that to up to you to figure that part out. Let's just say a lot of humanity has turned to the dark side. Viggo and his son are "carrying the flame" and scavenging and trying to get to the coast in hopes of some sort of respite from the horrible world they find themselves in. This is one downer of a movie so don't watch if you're feeling blue to begin with. Viggo seems to do a pretty good job, I'm not sure how I feel about him but the kid who plays his son does a really good job for being so young. This is a pretty good movie and I'd recommend watching if you're a fan of dreary post-apocalyptic settings and themes and junk.

3.8 flares out of 5


Movie 90 - Iron Man 2

Movie 90 was Iron Man 2. I was pumped to see this ever since I heard they were making it. Iron Man 1 was pretty dang good and I was sure they could only go up from there.


Iron Man 2 seemed to meander along it's story. Once again we get a sequel that tries to tell more than one movie worth of story in one movie AHEMspiderman3ERHEM. Excuse me. There isn't a whole bunch of action in this movie. Most of the movie Tony Stark is being mopey and making an ass of himself. That part has to be shown, I suppose because that's a big part of the character. However, I feel like they spent too long on that part of it. Don Cheadle replaced the other guy, Terrance Howard(?) as. . . I forget the character's name, Tony's military buddy. They lay a lot of groundwork for The Avenger's movie, which is easy to get excited for, as long as they don't junk it up like this one.

3 elements out of 5

Movie 89 - The Proposal

Movie 90 was The Proposal. This is a romantic comedy staring Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. I know that the phrase "romantic comedy" isn't going to get anyone with junk excited to watch anything, but give this one a shot. Ryan Reynolds is funny in almost everything he does. I'd almost switch teams for Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds. Sandra Bullock plays a hard ass boss that everyone hates and Ryan is her intern or secretary, but really he's her bitch. Sandra's character was just so-so for me. She plays the hard ass and it's almost like a switch gets turned and she's nice eventually, or almost nice. I guess I can see why, but I remember feeling that way and it's been a while since I've seen it so there. As far as romantic comedies go, this one isn't bad.

3.6 canoes out of 5

An announcement to both of my readers

Hi, whoever reads this, I will no longer be doing a movie every single day, obviously. I've also come to hear that a few people actually like reading these reviews so I'm going to keep it up, but only as I watch movies. I really didn't have the time to watch a movie every day, which is why there's so many Master of Horror crapfests on the list. I will probably still watch crappy movies just so I have some contrast. My writing of the reviews might actually get better since it won't be so forced.

So to summarize:

1 - I won't be doing this every day
2 - I will watch movies at my own pace and still do reviews

Also, I just started Lost, so I'll be commenting on that every now and then too, I will still keep everything as spoiler free as I possibly can, because when you read a review it shouldn't be a summary of the movie.